Friday, April 18, 2008

No More 15-Passenger Vans

A few years ago, the college decided that the 15-Passenger vans were no longer safe for our students and employees to use. As time went by and it was time to replace these vehicles, they were replaced with 12-passenger vans. You may see one here and there on campus as a facilities van for equipment, but not as a passenger van.

The reason the college does not want these vehicles as a passenger van any longer is "according to auto safety experts, is the design, the weight and balance of the van. On most models, the car manufacturers have used the same wheel base. But you can see on the 15-passenger model, the back end has been extended. That means when it's fully loaded, there's a seat with four passengers behind the rear axle. That tends to make the back end heavy, so that when there's a sudden swerve, the rear end swings out. The second, critical issue is that the van is top heavy."

If you want to read more about the danger of 15-passenger vans, check out the rest pf the article on

Also, this includes rental vehicles. Do not rent a 15-passenger van for college events. We want to make sure everyone is safe, no matter who the vehicle belongs too!

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